YAHOO 網上騙案又來了

2011-07-28 11:55 pm
呢條友係騙子 ~~ 大家唔好信呀 ~~
佢地話要你寄貨先,跟住又話要比 d bank 資料佢,之後你會收到一個假既 email from bank,你之前比d 資料都會係晒度,跟住你要 reply 張速遞證明比個 bank,當你一寄貨件事就會完,到時錢又無,貨又無,而呢個人亦會永遠消失 ~~~
仲有一樣野,佢地係唔會問你有關 d 貨既問題,只會不斷叫你快 d 比 bank 資料佢,個個 email 都會叫你快 d 比佢,同埋一定唔會講價,一定話包運費,仲無啦啦話要比多 d 錢你買貨 ~~~!!!
超蠢的我都真係寄貨,但我再上網睇下,原來一早已經有咁多騙案 !!!
所以我即刻去左郵局截件,最多蝕郵費,好過比左 d 貨個 pk !!
各位請留意,小心小心 ~~

Dear Seller, Thanks for the kind response, i want to buy your item and i want to send as a Additional Birthday Gift for my Kid within Malaysia offer you 800hkd with shipment fee, full payment through Bank Transfer. So once u send me below details, i will proceed with the payment and once u got the email Confirmation Receipt from my Bank (First Commercial Bank ) , you can go and send the item and once u send the item you will be able to claim your $$ from my bank with the Scanned receipt as response to the e mail same day.
*Name on account*Bank Name*Account Number*Auction Link Page*How Many Pieces you have for sale*Your email address which you want my bank to send the confirmation mail to.
So once u send me the following Information i will proceed with the payment and once u got the email , you can go and send the item and once u send the item you will be able to claim your $$ from my bank.
I will appreciate your understanding. and please ensure you reply me.

Shipment address below :
Name: Olusegun OyewoleAdd: Block AR11-f2-02 Bandar Universiti Teknologi Legenda Batu 12 ,City: Mantin Negeri Sembilan,Zip Code 71700Country: MalaysiaPhone number 60146355859
We can always MSN chat on [email protected] or [email protected]
Stay Blessed.
Vera Cares

回答 (2)

2011-09-13 8:14 pm
我都收到同一個email,呢個人同我講,用hkd500買我d野,完全over哂我拍賣的價錢,我覺得好怪,佢個人出手都幾闊綽。之後佢send左張類似bank statement的野比我,叫我寄左d貨先會入錢去我ac,我本來都想住寄左先嫁啦,點知上來見到你個post,入面d內容完全同佢比我個email一樣,先知原來佢係騙人。好彩我未寄d貨出去,如果唔係貨又寄左,郵費都蝕埋。多謝你的提醒。
2011-08-10 4:09 am
我呢個幾禮拜都係度同呢個人做交易,初頭見到佢比500HKD好開心,我以為係美國d有錢佬鍾意洗錢先至買,我琴日去咗郵局寄speedpost,成百幾蚊,今日先至上yahoo search知道原來係騙案,佢用黎扼我既個個email同你篇文章個個係一樣ga@@宜家唯有聽日去郵局睇下可唔可以截停佢,今日佢仲叫我寄500USD比佢,跟住佢就會寄翻600USD比我,我一睇就知我中招啦~~冇咗成二百幾蚊~

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