
2011-07-29 5:44 am
Being an entrepreneur is all _____ finding creative ways to show the world your great idea.
A. about
B. for
C. of
D. to
Which is answer? Why?

回答 (2)

2011-07-29 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案

題問句:"Being an entrepreneur is all about finding creative ways to show the world your great idea." 為一 "SVC" 句型。

Being an entrepreneur = S

is = V

all about finding creative ways to show the world your great idea = C

其中all about = 「說穿了(就是)...;全然(就是)...」。all = adv.(全然);about = prep.(關於...)。


Good Luck!
參考: 字典、各版本文法書「介係詞」、「五大句型與三大子句」相關篇章。
2011-07-29 6:11 am

You use all but to say that something is almost the case.

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