Ron Paul because he is the most openly moderate candidate of the republican party and is in fact not even a republican but a libertarian. Mitt Romney definitely has my respect but I don't think America would elect a Mormon.
Ron Paul. He still cares about America. Mitt Romney will probably win the primaries, but I doubt America will elect a Mormon, which is sad that we can't get over religious differences, but apparently people have a dislike for Mormons. They are actually very nice people.
Mitt Romney is being backed by big businesses, including Goldman Sachs. Ron Paul gets the majority of his support from the people, with donors of under 200 dollars. He also has more Military support than ALL candidates combined... including Obama, as of Q2.
You would vote for a plastic, neo con, phony over a principled righteous man. You are what is wrong with the GOP today. There is no defense for the wishy washy Romney. Governor of Mass. Need I say more?Fine then... Romney Care.