Are poor countries poor because they are less intelligent?

2011-07-27 6:19 pm
The book "The Bell Curve" makes such a case. Do you buy the argument, do you think it's racist and what are you general thoughts on the matter?

回答 (8)

2011-07-27 6:20 pm
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No. We are supposedly one of the most educated countries in the world. But we have the biggest debt and all our politicians are stupid as hell (Sarah Palin)
2011-07-28 1:24 am
no have you seen america 90% of them are retards yet they still have money because they steal of others
2011-07-28 1:23 am
Are they poor because they lack intelligence, or do they lack intelligence because they are poor

The Bell Curve argues for the former, the book "Guns, Germs & Steel" argues the latter

All i know is, people from poor countries in Africa and East Asia come to America and blow the pants off of white people in academics. All we can conclude at the end of the day is this
2011-07-28 1:40 am
Countries do not have intelligence in the way I think you mean. People do. Many poor countries have intelligent people. What many poor countries suffer is extreme natural weather occurrences which can not be controlled whether the people are intelligent or not.
Racist? Perhaps not but a generalisation and generalisations are usually based on lack of knowledge or prejudices.
Your question is rather like me asking are all Americans gun toting evangelists - clearly they not all are, but the principle is the same.
Waldo's comment that poorer countries have far more children is true but I suspect that is because the mortality rates are so high. Rather like many countries (back in history) when mortality rates where also high due to things like tuberculosis or scarlet fever.
2011-07-28 1:27 am
Poorer countries have tons more kids, so maybe that's the reason they're so poor. Most countries are fine living off the land, but so called rich countries have higher depression and suicide rates, and also destroying the earth by pollution, and using needing so much resources to keep it going. In so-called rich countries people struggle to live halfway decent.
2011-07-28 1:25 am
Certainly not, there are lots of factors, natural resources, military strength, defensibility, food/water quality etc.
2011-07-28 1:24 am
no they're poor because in most cases their abundance of natural resources (often a source of great wealth for a country) is controlled by other more powerful countries which leads to the war, famine, etc. also climate plays a role. If a country can't produce it's own food and no one wants to trade with them because they have nothing to trade you have one Fxcked up country. blame it on Bully countries such as the U.K. and the U.S. which have destroyed countries in Africa through conquest. At one point, Africa had kings and Queens who sat on thrones of gold.
2011-07-28 1:21 am
Not really. Apparently, one of the richest nations in the world gave us the most stupid impression ever.

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