
2011-07-28 2:49 am
大概講咩? I hereby authorise HSBC to check the unsecured facilities granted by HSBC to me. If the aggregate unsecured facilities granted to me by HSBC exceed the limits mentioned above, I agree to reduce my aggregate unsecured facilities with HSBC in compliance with the limits as imposed by the above Ordinance or any internal bank policy@ before the commencement date of my employment with HSBC.

回答 (3)

2011-07-28 5:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
背景: hsbc 的員工享有免抵押貸款 (unsecured facilities), 而貸款限額 (limit)於入職前已按法例 (ordinance) 或銀行內部政策 (internal bank policy) 規定. 員工可能分多次或有多項這類貸款, 但貸款總額 (aggregate) 不能超過上述限額.

文件: hsbc 員工授權 hsbc 查核已批出的免抵押貸款, 看看貸款總額 (aggregate) 可有超出規定的限額. 如有超額, 則員工自願將貸款總額降低來配合貸款限額 (limit)的規定.
2011-07-28 5:02 am
我在此授權匯豐檢查由匯豐授予我的無抵押設施。如果其總數超過上述限額,我同意在我受雇於匯豐銀行之前減少我在匯豐的無抵押設施,以符合由上述條例或任何銀行內部政策@ 所規定的限額 。
2011-07-28 3:10 am
I translate at google. Here is what I have got.

I hope I can help you!

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