
2011-07-27 6:09 pm
以下highlight詞語既正確解釋係咩? 可以的話請每詞作1句,唔洗多同好難

1. He has outgrown hindrances faster than the men could think them up.

2. Scrap metal was hung all over him. Ordinarily, there was a certain symmetry, a military neatness to the handicaps issued to strong people, but Harrison looked like a walking junkyard.


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2011-07-27 8:31 pm
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He has outgrown hindrances faster than the mencould think them up.hindrances解作障礙, 在此句中意思無變. 但在此句中outgrown並不解作 “長得比某樣東西快”, 而係有 “overcome” 克服嘅意思.我懶, 借用柏拉圖名句 “Attentionto health is life's greatest hindrance. 照顧好健康係人生最大嘅障礙” 做作句. 意思係人們往往忽略或無時間心機照顧好自己嘅健康. handicaps本身解作殘缺或運動中嘅一種記分. 在此乃一借寓, 意指掛在退役軍人身上嘅軍徽. symmetry解作對稱, 在此句中意思無變. handicaps本身解作殘缺或運動中嘅一種記分, 但在此句中在此乃一借寓, 意指掛在退役軍人身上嘅軍徽. Ordinarily, there was a certain symmetry, amilitary neatness to the handicaps issued to strong people…通當掛在軍人身上的軍徽都存在某種對稱 (即係有 pattern嘅)及軍人獨有的整潔…but Harrison looked like a walking junkyard. 但Harrison望落好似一個有腳嘅垃圾場 (廢鐵場) ß意指掛到東一件西一件Eg. There was a certain symmetry to his view ofgood and evil.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

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