
2011-07-26 9:29 pm

回答 (3)

2011-07-28 12:39 am
因你無講你對甚麼科目覺得困難,而你提到 “有些題目明明已做過無數”,我諗你係講緊Math.

如果你記性好兼且係考背書,你就可以靠死背書。但係好多時係考理解同應用,你就只可以認真咁去明白D principles;因為考試一定唔會出番同一题,所以即使你做到書內或者老帥比嘅練習爛,你都唔會識做D考試題目。

2011-07-27 11:02 am
溫書前後, 可以做一些放鬆的運動 ;
或自我暗示, 自己是最棒的
2011-07-27 10:19 am
Actually your biggest problem is because you feel so nervous during your exams. You said you have practised a lot before exams and knew how to deal with the questions. Unfortunately, you still forget how to answer during exams. That means you know how to answer but you forget how to answer at the moment. Therefore, the solution is, relax. Don't give too much pressure to yourself. You should believe you can answer the questions correctly!! Also, I suggest you to eat a banana the day before you have your exam because bananas can help you to have a clear and calm mind. Thus you will not feel too nervous in the examination hall. Moreover, sleep early before you have your exams is also important. Then you can have enough energy to concentrate on the exam papers and perform better!!

Another thing that I would like to remind you is, when you revise, don't just recite all the words and sentences in the textbooks. You should make sure that you understand every single word so that you can apply them in other questions. If you don't understand some points, don't hesitate and ask your school teachers or tutorial teachers!

Remember: practice makes perfect. Do more exercises can also help you to understand the subjects more and to get familiarised with the questions. Eventually you will get good results in your exams!!

Add oil~~
參考: Me~

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