
2011-07-25 10:35 pm
這段英語文法上有錯嗎? 請幫忙糾正! 謝謝.

These day, I also study English grammar at home every night. but I can think it's very difficult !!

(這段日子, 我毎晚也在家中學習英文文法, 但我覺得很困難.)

回答 (4)

2011-07-25 11:39 pm
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Recently I studied English grammar at home every night. It's very difficult for me.

首先的所提供的中文譯句文法有錯,句子前後段並無矛盾意義,不應使用反義連接詞「但」。另外,「difficult」與相關名詞通常使用被動(passive voice)結構,而且「I think it"s very difficult」只能表示「我想這非常困難」。「Think」通常表示「猜想」。而英語慣常亦不會說「我覺得困難」,這是中文口語(特別是廣東話)語法,在英語中「feel / 覺得」是用以表達感受,例如冷、熱、傷心、疲倦等等,而「困難」是對處境的形容,故不合用。我所提供的例句中文翻譯如下:

2011-07-26 12:00 am
I have been studying English grammar every day at home, but I still find it very difficult.

This should be the way of saying it. You can't just translate it exactly like the chinese sentence. Just doesnt work like that. You have to learn the meaning of it and put it in proper english sentence.
參考: me
2011-07-25 11:29 pm
這段日子, 我毎晚也在家中學習英文文法, 但我覺得很困難

These days, I also study English grammar at home every night, but I find it very difficult.
2011-07-25 10:37 pm

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