I am learning english and would like to know whether these few pharses are correct to say?

2011-07-25 6:28 am
I am an oversea student hoping to learn a good english. Please let me know how u guys say it correctly in daily conversation. I got so many questions hope you guys don't mind, sorry..haha For example:

1. I would like to join a competition for my indoor soccer team. When i come up to the sport centre...
"Hi i would like to sign up for the indoor soccer competition"

2. I am calling to the sport centre n hoping to book for a court to play soccer. suppose now was Monday..i would like to have it anytime as soon as possible

Me"I would like to book a court for the indoor soccer, when will it be available?"
Staff" what time good for you?"
"Anytime is fine for me"

3. I am dying/eager/keen/desperate to play soccer or do something?
Are they sort of the same?

4. Would you describe a normal girl which nowhere near pretty as "plain-Jane"?
or any other way to describe her?

5. Suppose i need my brother to help me but something, he said he can;'t or just give me some excuse.
Can i say" you are able to do it but you just don't bother to help me"

6." i am a laid-back/ relaxed/ care-free person?"" he do everything just laidback/relaxed/care-free"

are these words the same?

7. would you guys say "cut-loose" in daily life?
e.g. "i just cut loose and take all of my clothes off when no one is home."

8. How to use "scenario" ? Does it mean situation, i need one example

9. i want to tell my friend this night club is not crowded, way fewer ppls compared to other club

"this club has a few people compared to other club, not fun at all"

10. the vending machine is busted/ broken/ damaged.
Are these words the same?

11. My mum and Dad are getting alike in appearance.
" you two are looking more and more alike"

12. I joined the scool society club and no one has ever contacted me.
"I joined the club last month but no one has given me any notice"

Thanks heaps in advance

回答 (7)

2011-07-25 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. This one is fine!

2. Instead of saying "the indoor soccer" I would just say "for indoor soccer".

3. I would say that yes, generally these all mean the same thing. However, just in my opinion, I think that dying/desperate are more dramatic, so if you REALLY wanted to do something, then I would use those.

4. Yes, I would describe a plain girl that way.

5. Yes, that is something you could say. I know a lot of people use the phrase, "You can, but you won't." It's basically what you said, just in fewer words.

6. Essentially these are the same thing. Relaxed can be both temporary and a way to describe a personality. Also, it would be "he does everything in a laid back/relaxed/care-free manner" because they're adjectives.

7. We do say cut loose, yes.

8. Scenario can mean situation. For example, "Best case scenario would be that this answer helps you. Worst case scenario is that nothing I say makes sense."

9. You could say that. Or you could simply say "This club is less crowded than the other club."

10. Busted tends to suggest that something can't be fixed, or that there isn't a quick fix for it. Broken can also suggest this. Damaged suggests that it can be fixed.

11. That makes sense.

12. I would say something more along the lines of "I joined the club last month, but no one has contacted me since then."
參考: I speak English.
2011-07-25 1:42 pm
1. that's fine

2. fine

3. eager and keen are positive, and show excitement. but desperate and dying are a little negative, but they still work

4.I wouldn't, but everyone would understand what you mean

5. try to replace don't with "can't be bothered to help me"

6. Yes, they are usually interchangeable

7. Personally no, but it is a common term.

8. yes, and it's usually hypothetical

9. Grammatically yes, but in a real situation it may sound odd.

10. busted and broken are, but something broken is damaged, but not everything damaged is broken.

11. yep that's good.

Hope this helps
2011-07-25 1:42 pm
1 and 2 are fine
3. We don't really use 'keen'. But those words mean mostly the same thing there.
4. Ha well sometimes we just say 'meh'. It means 'okay' or 'whatever'.
5. yeah, but maybe instead of 'don't' use 'won't'
6. yep. pretty much the same
7. we don't usually say that...
8. example means basically the same thing as scenario.
9. We wold probably say 'this club doesn't have as many people as the other one.'
10. Yeah, they mean the same. damaged is more formal, though.
11. perfectly fine
12. I might say 'contacted me' instead of 'given me any notice'\

I'm assuming you're going to America, because you called it soccer instead of football. :) But anyways, most people aren't going to care at all if you mess up a couple of words. They'll mostly ask you to say stuff in your native language and ask you what it's like where you come from. :P Good luck!

Oh, I forgot to add this: The way people speak and the words they choose change a lot based on where you're going.
2011-07-25 1:40 pm
1 and 2 are fine
3. Dying or eager would work in this case
4 and 5. Yes
6. For the first part, all 3 are fine. For the second part, he does everything in a relaxed way, or he is care free or he is laid back. All of those work
7. No one really says that
8. Scenario does mean situation (its like a scene, hence SCENario) and you would use it like "ok in this scenario..." and you would describe some kind of situation (I'm sorry, that wasn't very helpful but I'm not good with examples:-/)
9. "this club has fewer people than the other club"
10. Busted or broken would work in this scenario (well there's your #8 example:) )
11. Yep that's good
12. Either one is fine (the one in quotes or the one not in quotes)
I hope this helped:)
2011-07-25 1:33 pm
That looks good to me. =)
2011-07-25 1:33 pm
I wouldn't worry about it too much, without replying to all of your questions, I can tell you that if you speak as well as you write, then there should be no problem with communication

Your grammar is a bit off, but that's fine, english is a complicated language and you seem to have a good grasp on the essentials of the language.

If you just spent the last hour on a dictionary, or used an online translator for this though, I would say focus more on what you want to say, and don't worry so much about how you say it, you won't be able to hide the fact that you're foreign.

You even have me convinced you might be a troll, because I don't know any foreigners who would use the abbreviation for people as ppl, that is something common with american texting, which you wouldn't have learned in an english school.
2011-07-25 1:29 pm
You doin fine my n99a, don't let the haters hate

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