
2011-07-25 3:42 am
Aparticle is attached to one end of a light inextensible string of length 3metres. The other end of the string is attached to a fixed point O. Theparticle is set into motion horizontally at point P with speed v, so that itdescribes part of a vertical circle is O. The point P is vertically below O.

Theparticle first comes momentarily to rest at the point Q, where OQ makes anangle of 15° to the vertical.a) Find the value ofvb) When the particleis at rest at the point Q, the tension in the string is 22N. Find the mass ofthe particle.

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2011-07-25 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) Kinetic energy of particle at P = (1/2)mv^2
where m is the mass of the particle
Vertical height reached by the particle at Q
= [3 - 3cos(15)] m = 0.1022 m
Potential enegy of particle at Q = mg(0.1022)
where gis the acceleration due to gravity, taken to be 10 m/s2

By conservation of energy,
(1/2)mv^2 = mg(0.1022)
solve for v gives v = 1.43 m/s

(b) 22 = mgcos(15)
hence, m = 22/[gcos(15)] kg = 2.28 kg

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