english writing

2011-07-25 1:39 am
Should homework be assigned to students? How much homework do you think is the right amount? (200 words)

thank you very much

回答 (2)

2011-07-25 8:27 am
Homework.  What is your first impression of homework? Boring? Interesting?Let me first tell u what is homeworkHomework is for students to check how much they know about the topic they are learning which usually was given out by teacher in school and in tutorial classes.For me, i think homework is a little bit too easy as the anwsers of the exercises can usually be found in text books and u rarely need to think about it before you write.  So mostly I don't support teachers giving out homework to student.But only if homework is more interesting, more thrilling.  I think I would support giving out homework to students.  As they can think and play and at the same time learn in homework.  Such for and example, the homework is about finishing a maths computer game, once u finish playing with the game, u finished your homework, don't you think that this is a better way to hand in your homework? This game's function is as the same as doing some copy-cat homework, but just in a more attractive way.The other problem of hating homework is, the number of homework is way too much for students, so I think, if each subject only have one to two difficult questions to do, won't the work load of homework is lighter? And from this, students can really have enough time to think about that question and it would be good to see the student really understamd the whole subject.  And this is the way to make homework worthy and meaningful. Agree?
參考: Me
2011-07-25 1:51 am

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