
2011-07-24 11:49 pm
To min woo♥♥
親愛的玫宇♥ 生日快樂!
要每天都快快樂樂吖..因為你的微笑是我每天的動力吖♥ ♥
最後希望你天天快樂♥ ♥
GirlFriend會永遠的陪著你的♥ ♥
我也會努力讀書...將來一定要到韓國看你的♥ ♥

回答 (2)

2011-07-25 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
To min woo ♥ ♥
Dear Mei-yu ♥ Happy Birthday!
You got 1 years older ^ ^
You should be happy everyday ! Because you smile is my daily motivation ♥ ♥
I hope you are able to reach the dream ♥
Working hard and take care youeselves ...
Do not get sick , otherwise I would be very sad> <
Finally, I hope you happy every day ♥ ♥
GirlFriend will stay with you forever ♥ ♥
I will work hard in school ... someday I will go to Korea to see you ♥ ♥

2011-07-25 11:08:08 補充:
Youeselves >>> yourselves
2011-07-25 6:40 pm
Dear Mei-yu ♥ Happy Birthday!
Big 1 years old ^ ^
Acridine almost every day .. happy happy because you smile is my daily motivation acridine ♥ ♥
I hope you are able to reach the dream ♥
To work hard to take care of themselves ... but acridine acridine ~
Do not get sick acridine, or as a sister I would be very sad> <
Finally, I hope you happy every day ♥ ♥
GirlFriend will stay with you forever ♥ ♥
I will work hard in school ... will have to go to Korea to see you ♥ ♥

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