grammar 問題

2011-07-24 10:19 pm
Being first lady of California, a job that involves more pomp than policy , was not an easy fit for the ambitious feminist who had worked hard to carve out an identity separate from her democratic family dynasty as a Kennedy and a Shriver.個separate 前面的subject 係邊個?

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2011-07-29 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
個separate 前面的subject 係邊個?
Ans.: an identity
(i) carve out an identity separate from her democratice family....
(ii) carve out an identity (which is )separate from her democaratic family........
(iii) .... to carve our an identity. This identity is separate from her democratic family.....
Therefore the subject of separate from is an identity

separate from = (predicative) adjective used to modify the noun an identity

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