restrict 和 limit 兩詞有甚麼分別 ?

2011-07-24 3:14 am
restrict 和 limit 兩詞有甚麼分別?

回答 (5)

2011-07-24 11:31 am
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limit (noun) - the highest number, speed, temperature etc that is allowed by a law or rule.
He borrowed money up to the limit that the bank allowed.
The speed limit is 100 km per hour.
(The word “limit” cannot be replaced with “restriction”.)

restrictions (noun) - rules or laws that strictly control what you are allowed to do.
Travel restrictions might reduce the spread of the disease.
Unions are pressing for restrictions on steel imports from Japan.
(The word “restriction” cannot be replaced with “limit”.)

On the other hand, "limit" and "restrict" can be used interchangeably most the time when they are used as verbs ~ they both mean “set bounds for”. The subtle difference is that "limit" implies setting a point or line (as in time, space, speed, or degree) beyond which something cannot be exceeded or is not permitted to go. "Restrict" suggests a narrowing or tightening or restraining within or as if within an encircling boundary. When you are talking about control of something by laws or rules…etc, better use “restrict” instead.

The government plans to restrict the sale of guns.
The laws were intended to restrict the freedom of the press.
Access to the club is restricted to members only.
參考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
2011-07-25 6:39 am
Study the following sentences:

(wrong) One solution would be for the government to put a limit on when
these programmes may be broadcast.
(correct) One solution would be for the government to place restrictions on
when these programmes may be broadcast.

When you are talking about the control of something by laws, rules etc. use restrict/.restriction. 以法律或規則控制某事, 用restrict/ restriction, 其他用limit
e.g The government plans to restrict the sale of guns (by laws)
The 1986 law imposed new financial restrictions on private companies.
參考: Longman Dictionary of Common Errors
2011-07-24 5:16 pm

2011-07-24 9:56 am
restrict為動詞,而limit則可作動詞或名詞。作動詞用時,意思同為「限制 / 限定」,兩者為同義詞。而limit作名詞用時,意為「限制 / 極限 / 範圍」。

p/s restrict並不是解作「被限制的」,「被限制的」為形容詞(adjective),restrict的形容詞為「restricted」,兩者有所分別。
2011-07-24 5:45 am

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