
2011-07-24 2:55 am
本人巳在本月五日入紙申請回美証,至今距約三星期,衹收到美國巳收到回美証申請通知書,但仍未收到約見及打指模通知,填表時,我不知道表中第一格A Number是什麽,所以沒有填,証明文件也沒有交,因心想見面時才交,不知我這樣做,會否拖慢我的申請,上網人家說約三星期便通知打指模,因我快到回港日,煩請各師兄師姐指導,若果我想查詢,請問電話是什麽號碼,有什麽補救辦法。

回答 (3)

2011-07-24 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
- A# is basically the green card number (Alien Number) if you have green card. It's printed on your green card. LOL.... you are an Alien....

Whether it is denied, missing documents or anything else. There should be something returning to you. You will need to worry if you MISS any letter more than if it is denied.

- You can go to www.USCIS.gov to see if there is any online status you can obtain.

- If the online status is not available, it will have information about how to make inquires. Since it is already longer than normal, I suggest you to check the status.
2011-07-24 11:38 pm



完成問卷後將會有專人聯絡, 提供工作機會介紹
2011-07-24 8:35 am
You have provided your copy of your Permanent Resident Card, so it should not delay you at all.

In this case, you can only wait. Even you have the phone number, what they tell you is a waste of time (because what they tell you is exactly what you know).

The application Re-entry permit can be denied in some cases. Usually initial application will not be denied - only repeating application will impact the result.

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