✔ 最佳答案
1. It depends on you entirely.
In most of the cases, if you stay, you will end up with community college.
But if you go now, you may have a chance for universities, but also, there is still some chance you will end up with community college due to poor result.
However, I usually recommend go anyway.
2. I don't see how well is Houston - as it is the saying, "Houston, we have a problem..."
To most people here, Houston is simply another city in the U.S. - nothing special.
The materials are not difficult - but you should worry about your English...somehow Texan may not be as friendly as you think.
3. No - but in the U.S., schools do not have rankings. Beside, enrollment is based on your address - in other word, you may not have the choice.
4. 6 months.
5. It is a big city - so you have to expect something.
By the way, don't panic when you see people walking with a gun - it is totally legal in Texas (with permit).