
2011-07-22 12:44 am
Have you seen the following statues before ? Do you know why people put the statues there ? ( The statue of Bobby in Edinburgh , Britain + The statue of Hachiko in Shibuya , Japan )

Yes / No , I _____________ these two statues before . I think people put the statues there because ____________________________________________ .


There are many kinds of restaurants in Hong Kong . When you eat out , which of the following restaurants would you choose ? ( A Chinese restaurant + A Japanese restaurant + A Western restaurant )

I ' d choose a ________________ because__________________________ .



There are many kinds of shops in Hong Kong . If one of the following shops will open near your home , which shop would you prefer ? ( A supermarket + A department store + A bookshop )

I would prefer __________________ because ________________________ .



Headlines can give us a general idea of what the news is about . Read the following headlines and decide which headline attracts you the most .

Indian girl has extra limbs removed ( Headline A )

Batman spends last night in ' city of light '( Headline B )

Three middle - aged men arrested for murder(Headline C)

I think headline ________ attracts me the most because ______________ .


回答 (1)

2011-07-22 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi you can tak a look at the answers' quality before you give your 20 points ;)

A. Yes / No , I ____haven't seen __ these two statues before . I think people put the statues there because ___these statues both repesent their conutry and their culture_____ .

B. I ' d choose a __chinese restaurant___because___in a chinese restaurant, I can try a wide variety of food, including dim sum and other famous dishes of China_____ .

C. I would prefer ___a book shop___ because ____I love buying books as I can enhance my choice of vocabularies through reading books ____ .

D.I think headline _C_ attracts me the most because _I'm quite interested in detective stories and I think headline C is somehow similar to detective story as it involves murder case __ .

Hope I can help!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:06:28
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