gramma 問題

2011-07-21 12:43 pm
Even if you did very well in this examination, you would still not be able to enter that university.

點解從" you would still not be able to enter that university. "呢句可以睇得出" you did very well in this examination " 係一個假設?

回答 (3)

2011-07-21 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

雖然would still not be able好像是說will not be able「將不可能」(pas tense記敘的句子),但是由於對比前句是說「假如」考得很好(亦是past tense記敘),結果是「不可能」入讀那大學,所以假設說考得好不是已知事實那種預設情況而令後者發生那種if...then,而是一種未知的假設和判斷,由於可能是知道某種原因你一定考不進那大學的,所以才說「無論你考得多好」不是「如果你是考得很好的話」。

2011-07-24 7:27 am
Even if or Even though ,used to call attention to the extreme nature of what follows:縱然;即使用(用以使人注意下文的極端性質): I'll get there even if I have to pawn my watch to get the railway fare.縱然我必須將錶抵押當做火車旅費,我仍然要到那裡去。She won't leave the television set, even though her husband is waiting for the supper. 縱使她的丈夫在等著吃晚餐,她也不願意離開電視機。以上的註解是來自於牛津大學出版社一九七五年的現代高級英漢雙解辭典。
2011-07-22 2:17 am


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