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He is a cat.(puppy)
puppy=小狗; 所以你把你的貓咪取名為"小狗". 這也可以啦. 製造 精神錯亂
2011-07-22 05:40:20 補充:
他是黑布布的媽媽 他也是隻貓, (She is Block Bu Bu's mother. she is also a cat.)
難道會變成狗嗎? (講笑話嗎? 也可以啦)
2011-07-22 06:09:50 補充:
ok, enough teasing. this is a long one. let me do a little at a time------
My lovely teacher and everybody.
This is Foster. I'm here today to introduce my pets.
[show 1st picture]
He is (one of) my best cat grandson.
He is black and we name his after his father BuBu, so his name is Black BuBu..
2011-07-22 06:29:50 補充:
[黑布布到底是男生還是女生?] [最後一行第一個his改him]
He is well-behaved, clumsy, fussy, and cute. He enjoy eating and sleeping.
and [show 2nd picture]
This is Black BuBu's mother. She is also a cat [pause. show smile on your face, expect your audience to laugh]
Her name is mi mi. She is very grace and mischievous
2011-07-22 06:38:36 補充:
MiMi and BuBu have 8 kittens few months ago. One of them didn't make it. So, we have only the 7 siblings now. There names are:. ...........
Their birthday is March tenth. I clearly remember this date because I personally took the deliveries of ALL of them.
2011-07-22 06:43:15 補充:
Even though they are nutty, they are my cute honey sweet babies.
[starting the video]
Here are the video of them when they were about 2-month old. Enjoy and thank for being a great audience.
2011-07-22 06:46:56 補充:
and thank YOU for being a great audience.
2011-07-22 08:22:57 補充:
可愛的老師,各位好 My lovely teacher and everybody.
This is Foster.
今天我要介紹我的寵物 I'm here today to introduce my pets.
[show 1st picture]
他是我最好的貓孫子(之一) He is one of my best cat grandson.
因為他是黑顏色的,爸爸叫做布布,所以取名為黑布布。He is black and we name him after his father BuBu, so his name is Black BuBu.
他很乖,愛撒嬌又很笨又很可愛 He is well-behaved, clumsy, fussy, and cute.
但是還蠻好吃的,又愛睡覺 He enjoy eating and sleeping.
and [show 2nd picture]
她是黑布布的媽媽 This is Black BuBu's mother.
他也是隻貓 She is also a cat
[pause. show smile on your face, expect your audience to laugh]
她叫咪咪 Her name is MiMi.
她很文靜優雅也很頑皮 She is very grace and mischievous.
她跟黑布布的爸爸生了8隻貓 MiMi and BuBu have 8 kittens few months ago.
有一隻出生後2天就過世了 One of them couldn't make it after 2 days.
其他七隻 叫做 So, we have only the 7 siblings now. There names are:. ........... 蕭迎春、灰布布、虎虎、金金、大妞、小黑!!
他們生日都是3月10號 Their birthday is March tenth.
記這麼清楚因為是我自己接生的 I clearly remember this date because I personally took the deliveries of ALL of them.
我是非常非常深愛著他們 I deeply love all of them.
雖然他們很喜歡調皮搗蛋,但是他們都是我的心肝寶貝 Even though they are nutty, they are my cute honey sweet babies.
[starting the video]
這是他們2個月大的影片,請觀賞 謝謝大家 Here are the video of them when they were about 2-month old. Enjoy and thank you for being a great audience.
2011-07-22 08:31:18 補充:
[這句改一改] 其他六隻 叫做 The names of other 6 siblings are:. ........... 蕭迎春、灰布布、虎虎、金金、大妞、小黑!!
2011-07-22 08:41:40 補充:
[you can still keep this sentence] So, we have only the 7 siblings now.