Marriage or virginity - for girls?

2011-07-20 11:57 pm
As a boy, I would like to know which thing is most important for a girl… is it marriage or else having sex? From my experience for all men it's having sex or loosing virginity is the most important thing in their life. But what about women, I would like to know? Please girls answer to this one and let know every male in this world of what actually a girl dreams off.

回答 (5)

2011-07-21 12:01 am
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I would say both.
I'm only speaking for myself and the people that I know around me. There are women who say they never want to get married, but most of the time it seems they change their mind. We are very influenced by the many romantic stories around us and at some point in our lives we start to crave having our own fairytale. And usually, that involves marriage.
I have always been taught to remain abstinent until marriage, which I feel is a very good idea but not always realistic. I think that if you are in a committed, loving relationship that whatever happens, happens. I feel like sex and marriage are very close knit and they go hand in hand.
But to answer your question, women want marriage. Sure, they enjoy the time in the bedroom if they are with the right guy. But we want loyalty and commitment and true love. We are a lot more sensitive than most men about sex so we have to feel comfortable and feel like we are with somebody that cares about us that we care about too.
參考: Myself.
2016-09-16 10:01 am
I ought to admit a few women sleep round in this day and age, however no longer all women are like this! you can't tar all people with the equal brush as that is unfair. We are residing within the modern-day instances now. Girls will sleep with guys! no longer all people wait till we're married, and except it isn't fallacious if you're in a well powerful dating. Why is it if a woman sleeps with a couple of guys she is a slag, but when a person does it - it's good enough and he will get a pat at the again!
2011-07-21 12:44 am
Loosing virginity would have a huge importance in my life. So would marriage. Marriage is bigger though, to me. I'm waiting for my wedding night, so it's basically the same day/experience! This is coming from a 15 year old girl if you're wondering. :)
2011-07-21 12:02 am
I think deep down a healthy and well minded woman who has seen healthy relationships dreams of marriage. I know some women who don't, but over all as a big picture it's about settling down and having a person who can there for you and unite as a family. I would like to think that there are guys out there with similar hopes, since there is more to marriage than just a sex life. I think that's why marriage is such a super dream, since it involves commitment and security. It allows us to dream that were are special beyond our bodies and our sex drives.
2011-07-20 11:59 pm

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