
2011-07-20 10:33 pm
我諗我既英文程度應該得中1,2既水平= ="(CE LV 2)

以下: the British government is use shock tactics in its latest attempt to discourage smokers from smoking.answer 係在 is (^to) use

咁我可唔可以唔要個 'is" = the British government use shock.....咁得唔得???

以往既記憶---->ing 形容死物, ed形容(feeling...)但係我見到(Verb-ed)形容物件
for example:
Gory photographs highlighting the health hazards of smoking will be pleastered on cigarette packets. These will include images of decreased lungs blackened by tar next next to a set of clean, healthy lungs.

decreased在這句子內屬唔屬於 adj?,係點唔可以用"decreasing"?


回答 (2)

2011-07-21 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以接受的正確法是:the British government uses shock tactics...
留意我抄也要抄shock tactics,因為兩個字一齊才是一組意思(驚嚇手段),如果你抄部句子而抄少了部份字的組合,看問題的人是很難猜出句是意思和是否寫得正確的。

-ing (adj.)是叫present participle
-ed (adj)是叫past participle

你的例句中decreased lungs, 便是這被動式的狀況,其實這個字是形容那些images(圖片)的內容,「(被/已)縮小了的肺」,而不能用-ing作為描寫那肺自主的狀態。image of a decreasing lung是物理和常理上不可能的,這decreasing是「尤如進行中或動作中的形容」,除非這些相片是如哈利波特魔法世界相片是會動的,否則邏輯上靜態的相片的描述不能用_ing的。但是形容某想片很感動人,可以用it is a moving(感動人) photo/picture來形容,並不是說這張相片在動。

2011-07-21 2:17 am
My explanation is below:
is to use = particular grammatical expression = is going to use something as already planned. It cannot be replaced by a simple present tense.
e.g. Mary is to marry John next week.

decreased is a typo error. **It should be deceased(= dead)
e.g. her deceased parents = her dead parents)
deceased lungs = lungs belonging to the dead
**deceased" is a past participle used as an adjective; it cannot be replaced by deceasing in your example

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