TEEN GIRLS: What bra size are you? and Are you confident with your breast size?

2011-07-19 10:05 pm
I'm a 13 and a 34B I guess i'm in between confident and not confident because I'm thin and my breasts don't look they are in proportion with my body but, i guess it's a nice size

What about you? What bra size are you? and Are you confident with your breast size?

回答 (43)

2011-07-19 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm a 34C [almost 15] and yes, I'm happy with my breast size, but wish I was a little smaller :(

But hey, I guess I'll just work with what I've got, ha.
參考: 14/F
2011-07-19 10:11 pm
i'm 16 and a 32A HOLLA
2011-07-19 10:15 pm
i'm 14 and last time I checked i'm a 32A. :/
I'm not really confident with my breast size, they're tiny. Although it's nice to be able to run around and exercise without my boobs really being in the way. My mom's only a B so i'm kinda screwed. Sometimes stupid guys give me crap for having small boobs. Even my friends do sometimes. :/
I guess i'd rather have tiny boobs than crazy insane huge boobs.

It's out of my control so I deal with it :)

2011-07-19 10:12 pm
I'm 15 years old and I wear a 32A.

I never used to be confident but I've grown to like my body. I'm petite in general, (I'm around 5'1 & thin) so everything is proportional with my weight and all. In my personal opinion I'd look funny with big boobs. :b I still have time to grow as I'm young, and I was also a late bloomer.
2011-07-19 10:43 pm
I'm 14 and a 34B. I can fit into some 34C bras as well though. I am very comfortable with my breast size even though the boys at school say it's "barely anything". Some boys at school told my friend she had mosquito bites and her boobs are the same size as mine! Screw them.
2011-07-19 10:33 pm
32A. tiny and im 17 so unfortunately i dont think they are growing anymore. :/ but i guess i embrace my small boobs.
2011-07-19 10:14 pm
im fine with it
it doesnt give or take away my confidence at all. at least im not completely flat chested like last year :|
2011-07-19 10:37 pm
I'm almost 15 and i'm a 34A. No, i'm not. I'm short, so they look normal on me(guys have actually told me i have nice boobs o.O) but i still wish i was a B cup. :P
2011-07-19 10:18 pm
I'm 13 and I'm a 32A

I guess, i wish i had a little bigger.!
2011-07-19 10:42 pm
Im 17 and I have a B cup. Honestly I hate boobs. Maybe im just weird but they are sooo annoying. Lol I wish I didn't have any. And I don't even know why guys are fascinated with them. But my breasts don't affect my confidence. Btw your only 13. your body will get proportional eventually. Don't worry too much about it hun. (:
2011-07-19 10:09 pm
What do you mean "confident"? I hate having boobs. Especially when one is almost visibly bigger than the other and I'm only 14.
2011-07-19 10:07 pm
I'm 16 and my bra size is 36D. I'm 50/50 with being confident. I hate my bra size, I wish I was a smaller size.
2011-07-19 10:17 pm
Im 15 and im 34C, and yes, im 100% confident with my ta-ta's ;)
2011-07-22 8:37 pm
I'm 15 and a 34DD :) and I personally i love my boobs. The only time i don't feel confident with them is when stupid guys perve me up. That's the only time I wish i had small boobs.
2011-07-19 11:15 pm
Im 19 and a 36B,and now Im comfortable ith my breasts size. I never used to be though, I used to think that they were too small.
2011-07-19 10:21 pm
I'm 13 and my bra size is 34C. Although there are girls in the same year as me with a DD size bra , should mine be that big or have theirs developed too quickly?
2011-07-19 10:21 pm
Ha this is gonna make me sound like i am 12 haha

I am 16 and wear a size 34A : ( I wish mine was bigger but Not 2 big haha i would look like a clown if i had big boobs haha because i am so short and petite haha :D I would like mine to be maybe 2 or 3 sizes bigger : ) I am kinda confident but i have 2 deal with it I mean i juss strut my stuff and smile about it i dont really care wat others think i kinda cant ha i mean if i worried about wat ppl thought of me ha i would be worrying all the time LoL :D

i am only 4 ft 5in and 16 years old haha so yeah ppl tlk haha they think i look like im 7 and i wear clothes from stores they havent shopped at in over 8 years LoL :D so no i dont worry about wat others think and i am confident bout how i look i juss gotta live with it :D and be happy
2011-07-19 10:12 pm
I'm B, and hate it, because people make fun of my chest.
2011-07-19 10:11 pm
thirteen, 34a
2011-07-19 10:11 pm
i dont really know but my mom says i have small boobs and i feel like i have big boobs which i hate i dont like big boobs at all
2011-07-19 10:10 pm
I'm 19 and 34C. When I was 17, I was 34B and this extra cup size means some old tops are tight on my boobs now but it's an okay size. Not too big or too small.
2011-07-19 10:08 pm
I am 19, and my bra size is a 32 D. I guess I am pretty confident with my boobs, I don't really have any complaints with them.
2011-07-19 11:55 pm
I'm really thin, and I look good in a bikini. Yeah, I'm a 34A, but I think my body is great. I like being slim. I guess I'd rather grow when I'm older. I'm only 14 now, lol.
2011-07-19 11:34 pm
I'm 14 and a bra size of 42D! My family all have big boobs. I'm fairly confident with mine. Makes me feel more feminine!:)
2011-07-19 10:16 pm
Just here to look at the answers..
2011-07-19 10:14 pm

I love them. All the boys do as well.

idk why you ungrateful beeyotches don't like your titties. i think they're great, and my current boyfriend does as well.
2015-03-20 5:16 am
I'm 14 and a 34B, and honestly, my boobs are the last of my worries at this point. It never even occurred to me until recently that some girls bother to be self conscious about their boobs even when they're not ginormous or non-existent
2011-07-23 12:36 am
Im 14 and i am a 34C im pretty confident with my breasts. Good size for my age.
2011-07-21 3:47 pm
I am 17 and I am a 36DD and I am happy with my breast size as they are in proportion to the rest of my body,
2011-07-21 5:37 am
I'm almost 13 and I wear a training bra ): but I'm a 30AA or A. And all my friends are way bigger than me and wear cupped bras so no I am not confident with it
2011-07-20 9:44 pm
Hi, i'm 17 years old, and have 32d/dd boobs, i feel comfortable in them, and guys don't mind them :) x
2011-07-20 8:10 pm
12 36 B. wish they were smaller cuz its hard to fit them into shirts.
2011-07-20 6:06 pm
I'm 13 and a 34C, I'm curvy-ish so the look average. I'd rather have smaller boobs but I don't care to be honest.
2011-07-20 5:43 pm
Why you do need to know what cup size everyone is? I will tell you if you give a good reason.
But yes I am confident with my breast size.
2011-07-20 11:05 am
i'm 13- 34A.
damn, it seems everyone is bigger than me. i'm really tall, which doesnt help either
2011-07-20 4:33 am
I'm 15
38DD[us size ]
I hate them my back always hurts and it's a hassle to run and bend over (to do daily task ex...unloading dishes from dishwasher); I wish they were smaller and they will be once I lose a few pounds but other wise it's all good at least my not flat and they could be way bigger
2011-07-20 12:15 am
im 18 and a 36C, im okay with them like at least i have them and it looks good with my body shape but they get annoying sometimes
2011-07-19 11:57 pm
I'm 13 and a 36 C yes I am happy!!!
2011-07-19 11:51 pm
I'm a 36A. I am a runner so yes I'm confident with them, but if I wasn't a runner then I don't think I would be.
2011-07-19 10:11 pm
I'm 13 a 34B I don't mind my size I'm a curvy hourglass shape. I like my curves:)
2011-07-19 10:12 pm
im 14 and a 34C nd i guess imm pretty confident with it but their not really in proportion to my body their pretty big
2011-07-19 10:17 pm
Im 11 (i know im not a teen) but my bra size is 34 A and i guess im confident with my breast size? *edit ha ha you chickens give me thumbs down cause you're slow. Cause like if you're 16 and 34A that's pretty slow. 34A is for tweens which is me it said in big letters Tweens so... You're just slow. Champs.
2011-07-19 10:11 pm
I am 36C , no i am not comfortable because i want an E

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