What should I do if I find my in-laws' marriage is bigamous?

2011-07-19 11:14 am
I have recently been doing some family history research and have discovered that my father in law was married to someone else 10 years before he married my mother in law. My husband and his brother (children of the second marriage) have never heard of the first marriage, or that they have a half-brother (another fact that I have found). So far, I can't find any record of a divorce from the first marriage.

I really don't know where to go with this. How on earth do I break this to my husband and his brother, or even approach my in-laws about this? My father in law is now 74 and his wife is 80. I don't want to be the cause of him going to prison, but am I bound to report it to the police or risk getting my husband and myself into trouble for not reporting a crime (we are in the in the UK)?

This is a nightmare - it just started off as a nice thing to do for my child by putting together a family tree. Any advice please?

Thanks for the answers so far. My main concern is that I don't want to upset my husband or his brother. I can confirm that the first wife has not died, and that I have found that she and my husband's half-brother live only 10 miles away. I have the certificates, and it does look like the marriage is bigamous, as father in law stated he was a bachelor on the second marriage. I have to tell my husband because we do not have secrets from one another and he was quite excited about doing the family tree, so putting it in a drawer is not an option. The comments about the will are interesting. I know that my father in law has not written one and, if he dies intestate, then the half-brother may be entitled to something and this is something which the family will need to address. I do take exception at being told to keep my nose out of my own family tree, which we were doing as a family project, And no, I don't like drama - quite the opposite. I am a quiet person who likes a quiet life

回答 (13)

2011-07-19 11:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
When I announced to my family that I was going to research the family tree, I was told to be careful as I might not like what I found. And that's advice I give to any other amateur genealogist. You never know what you are going to uncover.
Have you got a copy of the marriage certificate for the second marriage? On their it will state whether the father is a bachelor or if a previous marriage was 'dissolved', or even if he is a widower. Perhaps the first wife died. Have you searched for a death certificate for her. Before you do anything else, check the second marriage certificate. If he has declared himself to be a bachelor on it then he has married bigamously. However, at this stage in the day it's highly unlikely the police would take any action, especially with the ages of the people involved. So, do some more research and say nothing for the time being. I don't think it's worth stirring things up, in these matters it's sometimes best to let sleeping dogs lie. Although the existance of the half-brother does alter things. To repeat - do more research, keep quiet until you have something concrete, and only then take your husband into your confidence.
參考: experienced amateur genealogist.
2011-07-19 11:18 am
Just because you have not found divorce paprers doesn't mean they never existed.
I think in this case it is better to leave the skeleton in the cupboard - you are not bound in law to report this especially for something that happened so long ago and that did not hurt anyone.
2011-07-19 11:32 am
The key rule in respect of other people's marriages is always minding your own business.
2011-07-19 11:36 am
I think you are getting ahead of yourself. There are all kinds of reasons why you may not have found evidence that the first marriage ended. That first marriage must have ended many years ago if it ended before your husband was born, and the law has changed a lot since then.

It is probably going to be hard on your husband to hear that he has a half-brother and that his father was married before, if he didn't already know. But I think you need to tell him. This is something that is very personal to his family and he should be the one to decide how to proceed.

I doubt very much that you would get into any trouble if it DID turn out that your father-in-law's first marriage had not ended. So stop worrying about that. You have no evidence that bigamy is happening. Also, the police might choose not to prosecute and even if they did want to prosecute, someone would have to tell them what is going on.

So talk to your husband about what you found. Don't tell anyone else. Let him work this out. Good luck.


Even if you are certain that the marriage is bigamous (and like I said, the chance that it isn't is very high), I very much doubt you would have any trouble with the police. This is not the same kind of crime as aiding or abetting a robbery or murder. The police are probably not going to find out or care. But to set your mind at rest, why not talk with a lawyer?

I do strongly encourage you to tell your husband. As you said, it wouldn't be right to keep this kind of secret. But also, he is an adult and he deserves to decide what to do with this information about his background.
2016-10-15 12:46 am
hi expensive ~ My appropriate wager is that your marriage isn't valid ... interior the Philippines. for the reason that she nevertheless holds Philippine citizenship, there is various gray area here that's appropriate solved by utilising an Immigration criminal expert. i might initiate there, and get as a lot assistance as you could. appropriate of success to you ~ Love, Auntie
2011-07-19 12:32 pm
If you like a quiet life then stay out of it. They have managed so far to be happy and contented so why do you feel its your business to upset everyone with this discovery ?
Close the book and get on with your life, these older people may not survive the drama that this will cause, so keep your mouth shut and dont say a word.
2011-07-19 11:26 am
Speak to your Father In-law first before you do anything. I am not sure the laws of the UK but I'd imagine not finding the divorce papers doesn't mean that they do not exist. Also like someone else mentioned there could be problems with the will etc... Also you should allow your Father In-law the opportunity to tell his children about their half brother. Chances are he may not of known.

Also be discrete out of respect for your husband.
2011-07-19 11:24 am
Best advise is to mind your own business and leave it alone. It has absolutely nothing to do with you and no good can come from telling everyone about it
2011-07-19 11:21 am
this is a lot more common than you think. Just to check, have you found a record of the second marriage? how about a death for the first wife? are you sure?

Threre could have been a tragedy, or some dreadful circumstance, personally, I wouldn't say anything at all, certainly without being completely sure of my facts.

I'm certain you won't get into trouble for not reporting a crime - after all, there might be a rational explanation.
2011-07-19 11:16 am
you need to find out if mwhere marriage was taken place as second marriage could be illegal and therefore when father in law dies there could be legal probelms with a will etc
2011-07-19 11:41 am
Why does this affect you?
You are thinking that because you found a marriage but did not find a divorce there isn't one?
Maybe she ran out on him, maybe she died.
Maybe you should stop digging into stuff which is not really your problem.

Best solution, take what you have throw it in a drawer and shut up about it.

I am still trying to figure out why it is a nightmare for YOU.
Only because you made it one.
Like drama much?
2011-07-19 11:20 am
what if they already know and the reason you think they dont know is because they dont want to talk about it? :/ my dads gotta past like this we dont talk about it because is this something to talk about? :/ i had a half brother - why would we bring this up it would just hurt dad! why would we want to remind him of the past - he has us now!
thats the past , whats the point bringing that up now after all them years? let them live in peace?! leave it...why would he go to prison thoo???! just because he had a married life before? thers loads of people who get married more then once?!
if he treats them gud then leave it...
2011-07-19 11:17 am
have a word with your father in law

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