Maths ( Functions and Graphs )

2011-07-19 7:44 am
It is given that the axis of symmetry of the graph of the function
y= -2x^2 + 4px + q is x=3 and the maximum value of the function is 15.
Find the values of p and q.

***steps must be included.

回答 (2)

2011-07-19 3:37 pm
For a standard quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0, the x - coordinate of the vertex is - b/2a, so for this equation, it is - (4p)/(-4) = p. Since x - coordinate of the vertex = 3, so p = 3.
Co-ordinates of the vertex is (3, 15), sub. this point and p = 3 into the function, we get
15 = - 2(3^2) + 4(3)(3) + q
15 = - 18 + 36 + q
so q = - 3.

2011-07-19 07:48:32 補充:
Note : In exam., if the question is given in the form y = ax^2 + bx + c and you are not asked to transform to the form y = a(x - h)^2 + k first, using this method could be faster. Vertex is ( - b/2a, - delta/4a).
2011-07-19 8:17 am
y=-2[(x-p)^2]+2(p^2)+q since the axis of symmetry of the graph of the function
y= -2x^2 + 4px + q is x=3,
p=3 when x=p=3,
y is maximum
and y=2(p^2)+q=15

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