
2011-07-19 1:19 am
其實我係想去liverpool, 我想知

如果冇, 係咪最好係london再轉?
轉的話, 係咪有火車去到liverpool, 又或者再轉機到manchester?
轉機到manchester的話, 係咪都係再要搭火車又或者巴士個d先到liverpool?

問題可能複雜左d, 希望有人幫幫手

jc, 可唔可以比d website我? 因為london咁大, 我驚唔知應該係邊到搭車 thx

回答 (3)

2011-07-19 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實我係想去liverpool, 我想知
So your destination is Liverpool, not Manchester right?
A few years ago, there was direct flight from HK to Manchester. But now there was none.
如果冇, 係咪最好係london再轉? You are right. You need to change either train or coach from London Heathrow Airport to Liverpool.
轉的話, 係咪有火車去到liverpool, 又或者再轉機到manchester?
No need to go to Manchester if it is not your destination. Yes, you can go to Liverpool from London by train or coach directly.
轉機到manchester的話, 係咪都係再要搭火車又或者巴士個d先到liverpool
From London, take the MTR or underground subway to your train station. There are different train stations for different destination around Britain. To Liverpool, you need to go to Euston Station and take the train there. (You need to check about this ). Where you arrive at Liverpool either by train or will find the Liverpool train station and coach station are in the same place, separated by a narrow street.Tourist information centre is near the train station at Lime Street, it is just 1 minute's walk. The China Town is only two .strrets away at Nelson Street
2011-07-19 5:24 pm
2011-07-19 5:07 am
卡塔爾(Qatar)航空、瑞士(Swiss)航空、酋長(Emirate)航空、都有直航班機由香港飛 Manchester 的。


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