Chemical Experiments 一問

2011-07-18 6:21 pm
Copper(II) Sulphate (powder) x 1 bag
pH paper x1
Filter paper x 1
Iron nail x 1

有咩experiment 可以做
PS: 亦可以平常用家居有嘅物料

如果我要三個experiments呢 呢個係第一個

回答 (1)

2011-07-18 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simple put the iron nail into a cup of copper (II) sulfate solution.
You may observe that the color of the solution will change from blue to green gradually.

The iron from the nail displaces copper (II).
Iron becomes iron (II) ion
and copper (II) ion becomes copper metal.

This is called a displacement reaction.

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