✔ 最佳答案
•奶湯焗虎蝦 baked tiger shrimps in cream sauce•乳豬拼盆 suckling pig combination plate•碧綠牛柳粒 diced beef tender loin with vegetables•紅燒鮑參肚翅 braised abalone, sea cucumber, deep fried fish maw, and shark's fin•清蒸大海斑 steamed large grouper•當紅脆皮雞 deep fried crispy chicken•瑤柱蛋白炒飯 fried rice with dried scallops and egg-white•龍蝦炆伊麵 Stir-fried lobaster on deep-fried noodles
•核桃露湯丸 Little round dumplings and cherries in stweet sauce
虎虎生威 commanding and energetic as a tiger
鴻運當頭 heading to red hot good fortune
牛氣沖天 bullish prosperity fill the universe
四星拱照 Blessing of four lucky stars
年年有餘 abundance year after year
天鳳和鳴 harmony like heavenly phoenix
富貴逼人 unseparatable prosperity
龍翔四海 A dragon touring four oceans
團團圓圓 togetherness all around
2011-07-18 10:09:43 補充:
•龍蝦炆伊麵 Stir-fried lobster on deep-fried noodles
2011-07-18 12:07:35 補充:
•核桃露湯丸 Little round dumplings and cherries in sweet sauce
2013-01-22 10:27:37 補充:
龍蝦炆伊麵 Stir-fried lobster on deep-fried noodles
should be:
Stir-fried lobster on braised deep-fried noodles.