
2011-07-17 6:40 pm

回答 (4)

2011-07-18 11:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
當你快速壓縮任何氣體, 都會有高溫產生。

根據熱動力學第一原理(first law of thermodynamics),
ΔU = ΔQ - P Δ V
ΔU 是內能(internal energy)的改變
ΔQ 是由環境傳入系統的能量
ΔV 是容量的改變
P 是壓力

當你壓縮氣體, 就會令佢容量細左, ΔV 係負數, 因為壓力係正數, 所以-PΔV係正數, 如果快速進行, ΔQ 就係零, 因為過程太快使熱力不能流失到周圍, 所以 ΔU 係正, 而 ΔU 同氣體溫度係成正比, 所以 ΔU 上升帶黎溫度既上升。

簡單d黎講, 你壓佢比左能量佢去提升分子既能量, 溫度就升左。

但係如果過程慢, 所提供既熱力就有時間去流失, 所以未必有高溫。
2011-07-19 12:49 am
Agree that compressing oxygen gas would give out heat.

It is NOT due to the increased collision of molecules.

Let's think in the other way round:
You have to input heat to make the compressed gas to expand the volume.
On the opposite, it will give out heat when the volume is reduced (compressing).

Would that be easier to understand?
2011-07-17 7:33 pm
參考: me
2011-07-17 7:00 pm

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