
2011-07-17 8:58 am
還要利用自己的英文踏低別人,(一群中7畢業生 欺負3個人,而我是其中一個),其實我想在這裡說,他們的英文一點都不是很好,
但我可以在這裡說, 我的英文一點都不會比他們差,
我只是沒有說出自己的學歷和英文程度 罷了(因為我不認為這是什麼值得自滿的事 ),
而且想看看到底如果我沒有說出自己的學歷時 他們會有什麼反應呢, 怎知他們竟然利用自己的英文去取笑那些英文不如他們的人,
直到我開口說出英文時, 他們絕大部分人都聽不懂我在說什麼,
不然怎會聽不懂我說的英文 ,(他們還要說: 我的英文說得"很懶")

其實我認為 不論英文程度如何 ,都不應取笑別人吧,

回答 (2)

2011-07-17 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
同佢同老豆老母講, 你個仔女無家教
2011-07-17 8:20 pm
I can feel your anger and discontentment. I agree with you that these S7 students are really arrogant and egotistic and they do suffer from megalomania.In fact, there are many grown-ups, not just the S7 students you mentioned, who are also conceited. Many people think highly of themselves and imagine themselves to be superior to others.Let's just ignore them and try our best to do our work. On the other hand, I have the least knowledge of your English standard.You said your English is just as good as those S7 students. I have a suggestion that you write your complaint in English, (the English version of this post) then post it in your blog or facebook and add your group members including those S7 students you mentioned to your blog/ facebook so that when they read your blog or facebook they can realize or assess your English standard.
Writing in English is a good way to practise and improve your English. You have just written a fairly long complaint about some people's English standard and that you are bewildered by this . Unfortunately it is written in Chinese I suggest that to further improve your English standard, from now on you should write more in English. Last but not least, having a degree majoring in English doesn't garantee the degree holder's English standard.

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