英文文法問題~ adv 用法問題

2011-07-16 8:15 pm
我想問 Generally I don't read a newspaper.
I don't read a newspaper generally
仲有-->She speaks so very quickly
點解so 同quick可以一齊用?
thank you for answering

回答 (4)

2011-07-17 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
To start with, Generally I don't read a newspaper = Generally speaking I don't read a newspaper.= As a rule/ In most cases, I don't read a newspaper. Here generally is used to modify the main clause, I don't read a newspaper.
e.g. I generally get up at six = Generally I get up at six.= In most cases I get up at six.. Generally is used to modify " I get up at six".

I don't read a newspaper generally. generally = without discussing the details of something. Here generally is used to modify the verb read
e..g Let's talk about the investment generally. ( generally is used to modify talk)

The first two sentences you put forward for discussion are actually both correct grammatically but different in meaning.

In your next example, the problem word is "so"
Here so = used to refer to something that has beem mentioned before.
e..g Is he coming? I think so/ I hope so.
Did he say he won the lottery? He said so.
She speaks so very quickly = she speaks something very quickly..

In general/ Generally, adjectives are mainly used to modify nouns, while adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives and another adverb.
2011-07-17 5:57 am
Generally I don't read any newspaper.= correct
I don't read any newspaper generally = ok too in speaking
I don't generally read any newspaper = best in writing

Quickly = adverb
She speaks so very quickly= wrong
She speaks very quickly.
She speaks so quickly that we can catch the meaning.

Quick = adjective
She is so quick that we cannot follow her.
She is so quick in answering the questioin.
She is quick in answering the question

Adverb normally comes after or before the verb and modify the verb. When an adverb (generally) comes in the beginning of a sentence, we would like draw people attention to this. It normally ends
with ly.

Adjective is to modify something or one's feeling. See example below

She is so quick that we have to walk quickly to catch up with her = quick is an adjective while quickly tells us how we walk..
She buys a pretty bag.
Do you like this pretty red dress?
She is happy and laughs happily.) happy is an adjective while happily is an adverb and tell us how she laughs.

2011-07-16 22:00:20 補充:
Adverb normally ...........and MODIFIES the verb.

mModifies is correct instead modify in the said sentence. Sorry for the error.

2011-07-16 22:00:37 補充:
Adverb normally ...........and MODIFIES the verb.

mModifies is correct instead modify in the said sentence. Sorry for the error.
2011-07-17 5:01 am
In my opinion, both the first and second sentences are correct.
For the sentence 'She speaks so very quickly.', it is not grammatically correct because 'so' and 'very' can be used simultaneously.
2011-07-16 11:34 pm
The first one is correct because "generally"is an adv. and this word always be used at the beginning of a sentence.
"So" means 很. I t's an adv. and it could be put before the adj."quick".
Once more,"quick" is an adj. and"quickly" is an adv.
When there's an adv. before it you should use "quickly", while it's verb to be you should use "quick".And the use of adv. and adj are the same to the above "quickly" and "quick".

Hope I can help you!

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