Are the receptionists aloud to ask you what your medical problem is when you make an appointment?

2011-07-14 5:34 pm
Hi, the receptionists at my dr surgary have started to ask questions when anyone makes an appointment. They always ask what the medical problem is, they even ask you this when in the waiting room full of people. I refused to give any details the last time I made an appointment and she got frushtrated with me. Are they aloud to ask for such details?

回答 (5)

2011-07-14 5:37 pm
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Yes they are. It enables them to give the doctor a heads up about the issue and to refer you to another office if the doctor is not the right doctor for your problem. The word is allowed, not aloud.
2011-07-14 5:36 pm
Yes, they are allowed to ask. They do that so they can prepare your medical record for the doctor. When you go in, they add a new sheet to your record that lists the date and time you were seen and your chief complaint or reason for coming in. Bear in mind doctors have a hard time keeping track of all their patients, so the receptionist is trying to help the doctor out and expedite the process by asking you those questions.
2011-07-14 5:37 pm
Yes, they're allowed. They need this information to give to the doctor and to decide how long of an appointment you will need. They're going to find out after the doctor visit anyway, because they'll be entering the details of your visit in the computer.
2011-07-14 5:37 pm
They are probably attempting to schedule the time it will take for the doctor to assist you. If they don't know what the problem is, then they can't schedule the time...some problems take more time for diagnostics than others...if you are worried about the waiting room full of people, write the problem down so they can't hear it.
2017-01-01 10:19 pm
exciting u could ask reason my receptionist at my docs workplace additionally do an identical element. although, they do it in a discreet way. How the workplace is prepared different sufferers at the back of me does not be attentive to my subject. i think of they're allowed to ask, yet they're think to do it discreetly. The receptionist shouldn't get mad if u do no longer desire to tell them why u are travelling the well-being practitioner today. yet i presumed they try this because of the fact they might desire to prioritize ur scientific issues perhaps. U could look extra into this. that's an exciting question to me. I even have continually puzzled that.

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