
2011-07-15 12:32 am
我遇見誰 會有怎樣的對白
我等的人 他在多遠的未來

回答 (6)

2011-07-15 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
What kind of dialogue will I have with whom I am going to meet?

How long in the future will I see the one I am waiting for?

2011-07-14 22:35:52 補充:
(2) Hong far away is the future of the one I am waiting for?

2011-07-14 22:38:09 補充:
Sorry for the typo:-
(2) How far away is the future of the one I am waiting for?
2011-07-15 7:32 pm
How I met who have dialogues
I and other people in the far future he
2011-07-15 7:04 pm
Whom I am going to meet? What kind of dialogue will we have?
Whom I am waiting for ? When are we going to meet?
2011-07-15 8:00 am
我遇見誰 = Who I shall meet.
會有怎樣的對白= what conversation which will be.

我等的人= Someone who I am waiting.
他在多遠的未來=How far of the future where he would be.
參考: 自作
2011-07-15 3:50 am
i met whom and will get wt lines

the one i wait, is in the bright, far future
參考: me
2011-07-15 3:35 am
我遇見誰: who i will meet in the future

會有怎樣的對白: will have what kind of conversation

我等的人: The person i wait

他在多遠的未來: he is in the far far future

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