grammar問題 if...or not

2011-07-14 3:07 am

I'm not sure if he is coming to (visit/meet/find) me or not, i just left my phone number to him (by/on) the msn, he (might/might be/may/may be) call me when he is arrived.

1.應該用邊一個verb? (朋友從外國來香港)
2.if 同or not用法正確嗎?如果唔加"or not",句句子係咪唔通順?

7.I wonder if she is ill. <-句中沒有"or not",可以用係問題2嗎?


回答 (5)

2011-07-16 2:15 am
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I'm not sure if he is coming to (visit/meet/find) me or not, i just left my phone number to him (by/on) the msn, he (might/might be/may/may be) call me when he is arrived.

1.應該用邊一個verb? (朋友從外國來香港)
2.if 同or not用法正確嗎?如果唔加"or not",句句子係咪唔通順?
最好是有or not. 但有些況可以沒有的。例如你們一班人一起出外,集合時有人問某人會否來,你不肯定知道,可以說:I'm not sure if he is coming.便可以了。
問題不在by/on,因為你用left這個動詞 my phone/MSN/e-mail, etc.因為這些被看為儲存xxx的媒體(載住on); 但如果你是用就是用by因為phone/msn/e-mail變為傳送xxx的媒體(傳to)。
4.應該用邊一個? may
5.grammar正確嗎? 不對。is arrived是被動式,he是主詞應該用主動式現在式表示他會來到的事實(雖然現實是在將來發生的) he arrives.
6.whether同if用法一樣嗎?重有冇其他說法問"係咪xxx?"不同,問whehter意思是「是否」(一般是兩樣只有一樣發生),而問if的意思是「如果」某一事發生...之後會怎樣。但你這條問題的if是回應not sure這個預設,所以才跟whether意思差不多。

7.I wonder if she is ill. <-句中沒有"or not",可以用係問題2嗎?
2011-07-18 6:12 am

2011-07-15 11:52 pm
2,if 同or not用法正確,no or not is OK
4,may be
5,grammar is OK,all right.

2011-07-15 4:52 am
1.) visit
2.) correct, no, it is fluent in both ways
3.) on (but i am not sure sorry)
4.) may
5.) yes (but i will say via msn rather than on the msn just simply because it sounds a bit weird)
6.) they are the same.
7.) it is fluent and correct.
2011-07-14 10:46 pm
I'm not sure if he will come to visit (or, will visit) me or not. I just left him my phone number (or, I've just left my phone number for him) on the MSN. He may call me by then.

1. Use "will visit" if you know he is coming to Hong Kong.
2. It is correct to use "if...or not" to introduce one of two possibilities (1.come, or 2.not come). You can also omit "or not" in this sentence without altering its meaning.
3. with email.
4. may
5. Use "by then" if you mean 到時 as written. Othewise, you may say "He may call me when he arrives."
6. Yes, both "whether" and "if" can be used to express a doubt or choice between two possibilities (表示遲疑或兩個可能性之間的選擇)是否

7. "I wonder if she is ill." = "I wonder if she is ill or not" = "I wonder whether or not she is ill."

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