✔ 最佳答案
本人是 CUHK bachelor of nursing 既畢業生
其實入 U 揀 nursing 既 admission requirement 最多只需要係理科生
(即有讀 phy 或 chem 或 bio)
本人當年入學, A-Level 是修 pure maths + physics + chemistry, 無讀 bio
你修咩科, 唔係最重要, 所謂 "加分" 亦唔會影響好大
你有 physics & bio 已經有資格入
至於你入唔入到, 就要睇你公開考試既總成績夠唔夠人爭
大學唔會只睇你某一科考得好唔好, 佢地入學係用公開試總成績去排分數再派位
每一科都有入學先決條件 (每間大學要求都唔同, 中大就要求一科 phy 或 chem 或 bio 就ok)
而想讀 nursing, 只要修讀既科目其中一科係理科, 就有資格排佢條隊
想知多d, 可以睇呢個網頁
Admission Requirements The University's minimum requirements for admission to full-time undergraduate studies will apply. In addition, applicants should satisfy the following requirements: HKALE Grade E or above in 2 AL/1 AL + 2 AS subjects (including any one AL/AS subject from Biology, Chemistry or Physics); andGrade E or above in AS Chinese Language & Culture and Use of English HKCEE Good grades in Chinese Language and English Language; andGood grade in any one subject from Biology, Human Biology, Chemistry or Physics