
2011-07-13 1:39 am

想問一下可否帶食物上機(e.g. 糖果、朱古力等小食)


回答 (5)

2011-07-13 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Unless you can consume all foods in the flight, it is best if you don't bring any foods.

Usually, foods are not allowed to enter Canada.

Snacks may be permitted.

Bottom line - both requires secondary screening.
2011-07-14 11:59 pm
Cannot , because the flight have food and they want you to eat their food.
2011-07-14 1:47 pm
小食 are ok.

but no water and food ( lunch, dinner...etc ) before the security check point. but you still pruchase it from the resturants at waitting area. that will be fine.

PS. concern if you bring good food and eat inside the plane, other passengers might very jealous and hate you.....^^
2011-07-13 9:31 am
所有進入加拿大境嘅食物, 植物, 動物或有關物件一率要報關. 你所提及嘅糖果, 朱古力屬食物, 可唔可以入境就視乎海關人員最後決定. 如果唔清楚當入境時申報所有小食; 由海關決定入唔入得境, 萬一屬於管制物件由於你已報關, 大不了當場充公唔會被罰. 如果你唔報關而被搜到嘅話; 除充公之外另每件物件罰Cad$1300, 同時會被撿控.

2011-07-13 4:36 am

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