College interns have no office manners?

2011-07-12 3:39 am
A college intern took off her heels and put her bare feet on the chair during a presentation. This is so unprofessional and gross. I was about to say something to her, but I felt that she was only a kid. What's going on with the college education nowadays. Don't they each kids about professional manners? Don't give me the excuse that it hurts to wear heels. It's a profesisonal environment.

回答 (6)

2011-07-14 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What kind of manners are you paying her for? You'd better be paying her pretty well if you expect high heels. If this is one of those cheap jack exploitation deals where all she's getting are lunch and parking vouchers, then you're getting more than what you're paying for to begin with, and need to get off her case.
2016-10-23 9:52 am
by way of some distance it quite is surprising and intensely impolite. What does you being enormously have something to do with the interest? it quite is thoroughly beside the point. She of course desires further training on the thank you to talk to involved applicants. i might've in all possibility bit returned in a sarcastic way. You dealt with it quite elegant nevertheless by way of strolling out and being candy.
2011-07-12 7:47 pm
Ya - if something like that happens again you should say'll be doing her a favor - especially if it's the first instance of a behavior.

I had an intern once who sneezed crazy loud - such that it brought the whole office to a standstill. I called him on it the second time it happened. He was oblivious to the volume of his sneezes - nobody had ever mentioned to him before. If I hadn't, he might have gone through his whole life not realizing how loud he sneezed. It could have cost him jobs, relationships, all sorts of things. Once I told him how loud he sneezed, he figured out how to sneeze much more quietly and turned out to be a great intern.

School definitely doesn't teach students everything they need for the work world. Set that intern of yours straight - help her out! She'll thank you for it in the end.
2011-07-12 3:46 am
Manners are not an academic subject. Management, yes, manners, no.
2011-07-12 3:44 am
Professionalism is something you learn on the job. It is not taught at college.
2011-07-12 3:43 am
Many of them have not been taught manners. You should have whispered in her ear that it was unprofessional.

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