Free astrologer? Life's getting ruined?

2011-07-12 12:02 am
I am in a very bad situation and I need to know about my future… do u know any astrologer who could figure out my life for free

回答 (3)

2011-07-12 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is kind of sad, but funny at the same time.
2011-07-12 12:22 am
Yes there are plenty of great astrologers on answers for free. However we do need something to work with. Type in search bar free astrology natal chart and there are several web sites that offer free charts. is one though there are many others. You will need to know your exact birth time and place of birth. Your birth time is on your legal birth certificate. You can still get a solar chart if you can't find your birth time and that is definitely better than no chart at all. Get your natal chart. List your planets and degrees and then we can be of service to you. Hang in there. Often when life seems the worst we are doing nothing more than learning a tough life lesson. Don't give up. You are never given more than you can handle. And when one door closes another one always opens. Good luck and Bless you. This is only temporary. You will see better days although it is hard to at this time. Get back with us and we will be happy to help you. Again, good luck and bless you.
參考: 30 years studying astrology Had some rough times too Things will get better
2016-03-02 4:05 pm
Nope ~ out here on the prairie ..the school system seems to have a pretty good idea if it's bad enough to call off school or not to call off school. always, Ladyitch p.s. I see a lot of parents panicking ..wondering who's going to watch the kids.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:50:54
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