should i be self conscious about being uncircumcised?

2011-07-11 8:28 am

回答 (14)

2011-07-11 2:46 pm
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It's like saying "should i be self-conscious because
I have'nt had my left hand chopped off".

And for the guy who said you have to bathe more often
= actually it is cut guys who get bacteria all over their
glans because it's not protected.

The Intact penis works better too.
The foreskin stimulates the woman in the right

What is to be self-conscious about.

2011-07-11 8:31 am

It is normal.

It would make more sense to be self conscious about having had unnecessary surgery such as circumcision.
2011-07-11 8:32 am
No, there's no reason to be self-conscious about it. Plenty of men worldwide are not circumcised. It's only in the U.S. that it's routine to circumcise baby boys, most countries don't circumcise them unless it's a medical necessity. Don't worry about it.
2011-07-11 12:02 pm

Most of the males in the world, about 80%, are not circumcised, which is normal.

Normal people don't mutilate the genitals of children.

But in the past, in the USA, most males were circumcised, to make money for unscrupulous doctors by mutilating infants' penises.

Times have changed, and only about 33% of male infants in the USA are being circumcised.
Finally more Americans are realizing that an undamaged penis feels and functions better than a mutilated and scarred one.

Circumcision is a fraud and a hoax.

A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

2011-07-11 9:06 am
Definitely not. There is a lot of misinterpretation about circumcision out there. The fact is that removing the foreskin will leave your glans exposed, which is the area that should only be exposed during sexual stimulation. It is like a female having her clitoris always exposed.

Because of clothing and other contact, the glans will soon become desensitised, making you less susceptible to sexual pleasure. If you want more of the facts, visit

2011-07-11 9:55 am
Unless you are a jew, no.
Also uncircumcised men enjoy sex more, because of nerve endings in the foreskin.
2011-07-11 3:02 pm
i'm guessing you live in the US because americans and muslims/jews are the only people that circumcise

listen, 90% of the men in the western world are all intact and have foreskin
only 10% of the men n the world are circumcised, this group is made up of arabs, americans and some asians

you're the majority, plus circumcised just has an ugly scar and a dried up head
2016-10-01 10:38 am
i've got neverr been with a circumcised guy. i think of circumcised seems slightly weird and wonderful through fact there is a few lacking, intact (uncircumcised) is organic. it incredibly is the everyday opinion in distinctive the international (the place around 80% of guys are uncircumcised) it incredibly is merely interior the U. S. everyone seems to be weird and wonderful approximately it. in spite of the fact that, even interior the U. S., especially in youthful men and on the West Coast, being intact is distinctly regular. it may be an extremely recommend, superficial and ignorant female who could care in case you have been uncircumcised. merely determine it incredibly is sparkling (which a circumcised guy ought to do besides). study instruct that being intact is greater suitable for exhilaration for the two companions. you would be high-quality, do exactly no longer hassle approximately it. And if all of us does snigger, merely up and flow to the united kingdom or Canada or Australia or someplace. have relaxing.
2011-07-11 3:29 pm
Of course not! Heck, you should be happy that your penis is complete, undamaged and fully functional - that of a real man.

@ Baseball-is-my-life: maybe you should takes some time out from baseball. If you knew anything about the penis, you'd know that the bacteria that collects under the foreskin is there for a reason - to help fight infection. Without it, we'd be prone to chronic fungal infections.
2011-07-11 8:31 am
Not at all, but you should be more self-aware. Men who are uncircumcised also have the misfortune of being able to collect bacteria underneath the foreskin, so it's vital that you bathe regularly to prevent foul odor and possible bacterial infections.

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