Nervous to Sing? Tips?

2011-07-11 8:24 am
I just can't help it. I start to shake. I've got a nice voice, but my throat tightens up when I get nervous. This makes it very hard sense I'm a belter. I gotta have good air flow. I gotta be loud otherwise I can't belt properly as some of you may understand. But I just get so nervous when my family is around. And I'm nervous about an up coming audition for our school's play which there's a belter part! Ekkkk! Just, any tips that can help me be less nervous? And way to make my throat stop from tightening/tensing up? Thank you! And if your a belter with any tips about belting, please share! I do have a problem when singing in my nose sometimes if I'm not keeping focus. Then my voice goes to far forward into my nose! Ahhh! And when I sing lower, if I'm not careful it goes into my nose again. Ahhh!

回答 (6)

2011-07-11 2:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The best way without question to overcome performance jitters is to be VERY prepared for the performance. You need to know your song forward and backward, sing it in your sleep so to speak. Once you get to a point where you know the song(s) that well, the worst that can happen is not bad at all. Mentally, knowing this helps relax the anxieties you normally feel when performing. So practice, practice, practice, practice...

Another thing that helps- if it is possible for you to practice regularly in the place where you will be performing, you should do that. Getting familiar with the very place you'll be, singing there often- will help you be more at ease when you are performing there.

Finally, treat every practice as if it were a performance. This will help make you mentally stronger which is what you need.

Good luck.
參考: DMA in music.
2017-02-16 9:34 am
參考: Professional Singing Techniques
2016-03-02 3:36 pm
Pretend that nobody is watching. Unfocus your eyes so you can't see them clearly. It's all a mind trick. Look over their heads and at the back wall, they'll think you're looking at them, but you'll really be looking past them and pretending they aren't there. = ) Also, practicing in front of large groups of people helps a lot. Do you know anyone with a karaoke machine? I'd so go practice in front of people at a karaoke bar, but I don't think you are old enough.
2011-07-11 9:51 am
I've never struggled with stage fright, but I've coaxed many of my scared friends onto the stage. Start with getting more comfortable singing around your family, sing around the house when you can. Ask your family to let you sing for them and give you feedback. When you get good or even great feedback, your confidence grows ten fold.

Continue to get comfortable around your family and then around close friends, let them give you feedback as well. The more comfortable you get around them, the new comfortable you will become around strangers. Strive to gain more confidence in other areas of your life. Before you know it you'll be nearly bursting at the brim with confidence.

Focus on your coordination and technique instead of focusing on the audience. Make sure you are singing the proper notes an words, because there are four pieces to being good singer. Having confidence and a good voice is only have the battle. Put the rest of your focus into singing with passion.

I'm a bit of a babbler, so I'm sorry if none of that made sense. Hope I helped a little!
參考: 6 musicals, 9 plays, 2 years of voice lessons and 10 years of performing onstage.
2011-07-11 8:41 am
I watched a cartoon when I was younger called "Recess" where this kid could sing amazingly in a bathroom stall but not anywhere else. So his singing assistant or whatever put him in a fake bathroom and blindfolded him then removed the walls of the fake bathroom and took away the walls while he sang. When she took the blindfold off him he saw where he was and that he could sing anywhere at anytime :) It gave him the permanent confidence to go infront of hundreds of people and all his friends, the moral being self-consciousness is a wall that is never really there to begin with.

This one episode of this Disney cartoon has forever given me a sense of comfort no matter how many people. The only way to get rid of that nervousness is knowing that it's just the same as singing in your comfort zone. The people just get to enjoy it too!
2011-07-11 8:28 am
Just be brave. Come on!

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