
2011-07-12 3:55 am

回答 (1)

2011-07-12 8:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
俚語即係slang, 指民間非正式、較口語的詞句

Some of the examples:
1) Bad ass
酷的, 剛強的
eg. That was a bad-ass concert.
2) Bite the bullet
咬緊牙關應付, 堅強
eg.Time to bite the bullet, the recession is not going to end soon.
3) Apple polisher
4) Air bags

eg. Smoking is good for your air bags, it is lesser chance to get cancer.
5) Banana
外表中國人, 內里像老外
eg. Chris is a typical banana, he doesn't know how to write his name in Chinese.
參考: Me & slangdict.com

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