If the incident is not resolved in 12 hours after account reactivation or any violation occurs in future under the same account, azuli.org reserves a right to terminate violating account and disable client profile.No adult content of any kind.
Account will be suspended if any kind of adult content will be discovered or reported.
No warez / hacking / phishing sites.
Account will be terminated without warning if any kind of phishing / hacking website will be discovered or reported.
No mass mail / spam sending scripts.
Account will be automatically suspended if you/your visitors try to send mass mail.
We do not allow any kind applications to be hosted here.
Applications such as proxy scripts, shell scripts, online gaming scripts, file/image sharing scripts, chat scripts, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, buxto, and torrent scripts cannot be hosted here. Account will be suspended and you will have to request permission to reactivate it. If a violation occurs again, the account will be closed.
Nulled / cracked software is not allowed to be hosted.
Account will be suspended and you will have to request permission to reactivate it.Reactivation Fee of 10$ may apply. If a violation occurs again, account will be permanently closed.
Accounts cannot be used to store files or backups only.
All websites must have regular content. Sites designed for file sharing / archive / backup / mirroring purposes are not allowed.
Malicious websites cannot be hosted.
All websites must have an index file (which is index.php, index.html or index.htm) uploaded directly to the public_html folder. If a website is uploaded to any other folder, or no index file is found, the account can be removed from the server.