(help) english essay plz!

2011-07-11 9:23 am
The question is What are the motivationsfor migration? To what extent has itbecome a social and economic issue? Discuss.

PLZ help me!! It needs 1500 word.
if u can just give me an outline in detail..
Thank you very much!!

it is not about me! i need to write an essay about 'What are the motivationsfor migration? To what extent has itbecome a social and economic issue? Discuss.' these is the question which my tutor gave me..


the queston is "What are the motivations for migration? To what extent has it become a social and economic issue? Discuss."

回答 (2)

2011-07-18 7:33 am
✔ 最佳答案


2011-07-11 12:45 pm
1) Heading or Topic;
2) Introduction--Personal details and family inheritance; brief description of your past and present histories; what happened and why you have the idea of immigation;
3)Text--What are the reasons and motivations for immigration?; brief descriptions of your present situation, financial assets, working condition and working ability; what are the qualification for immigration and working in that Foreign Country; how to coply with the requirement of immigration; how or what are the methods of evacuation from your own Country; what are the preparations in advance in that Foreign Country; itinerary and plans for immigration such as travelling route, where to settle down etc.
4) Conclusion--Summary of the important features of immigration.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:26:04
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