
2011-07-11 4:24 am
我中7, 要考AL, ENG一直努力溫成績都係麻麻地,吾想補習, 可以點讀好英文?thanks

回答 (2)

2011-07-11 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Spend at least half hour everyday on reading South China Morning post.
This can help you improve your grammer, writing and vocabulary.

Don't spend too much time on using dictionary when reading, try to guess the meaning from the context. This can really improve your english.

To improve your vocabulary, you can get some vocabulary book from bookstore. I recommend the series "English vocabulary in use" by Cambridge univeristy press. Choose basic, pre-intermediate/ intermediate, upper-intermediate, or advanced level. You said you are a form 7 student, depending on your english skill, you may try the pre-intermediate/imtermediate or upper intermeidate level. Go to a bookstore and skim through these books to see which one is good for you.

Other than that, it is very helpful if you write an essay every week. Try to ask your English teacher to correct your essay for you. You need to both practice writng and get some feedback from your teacher in order to perfect your writing skills.
2011-07-15 1:14 am
listening 方法
1 上網同d鬼仔做朋友 同佢地傾傾計 (我都系甘)
2睇片 估下佢地講咩
speaking 方法(事先聲明 以下方法唔系個個受得起)
1自己沖涼 打緊機 悶果陣 自己同自己講野 例如見到條友好on9 就用英文話stupid guy (我都系甘 好掂)

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