意思,詞性一樣, 但樣唔一樣

2011-07-10 1:32 am


回答 (1)

2011-07-14 4:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Primal (最初的,原始的) is a less common, more narrowly used word. It means "primitive," as in "the primal world of dinosaurs."
e.g. The appeal of music is primal.

Primary (主要的,初期的,初級的) is the more generally used term. It can mean first in importance. It is often used to mean "fundamental" or "basic."
e.g. Our primary concern is to provide the refugees with food and health care.
a primary school 小學.

frustrate (使沮喪) 是 verb, 不是 adjective
frustrated (沮喪) 是 past tense and past participle of the verb, "frustrate" 可作 adjective
frustrated (adjective) - feeling annoyed, upset, and impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something.

The fact that he’s working with amateurs really frustrates him. (verb)
He gets frustrated when people don’t understand what he’s trying to say. (adj.)

Disputative (好爭論的) (adj.) – tend to argue (rarely used these days; not even found in British dictionaries)

"Disputative" are found in:
1. Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy by Vernon Lee (1908)
"Some of these were of the oracular sort, others of the disputative, others of the ecstatic."

2. Essays, Historical and Theological by James Mozley (1878)
"Thus adroitly availing himself of existing machinery, he nurtured the first tender seed of the Reformation underneath the shelter of the old disputative ..."

cooperant– I think it is a French or Spanish word.

If I were you, I don’t bother to use these two words, “cooperant” and “disputative”
It is pointless to use these words if they are not common and most people don't use it.

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