一飛沖天的英文是什麼?? 20點

2011-07-09 8:01 am
我記得好像是乜乜and beyond 的

回答 (3)

2011-07-09 9:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Flying high from Heaven and beyond. Flying high and beyond the sky.
2011-07-10 8:04 pm
soar to the skies
參考: 林語堂漢英詞典
2011-07-10 4:55 am
Hi there,

'Reach for the sky and shoot the stars!'

Hope i have helped you!


2011-10-11 19:03:34 補充:
'flying high from heaven' is quite incomprehensible! 'from heaven' to where? down to earth? or wherever is higher than heaven? there is some conceptual fault there!

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