
2011-07-09 7:47 am

回答 (2)

2011-07-09 10:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Hi Peter, how are you ? By the way, If available, I would like to see you anyway. May I call upon you at 10 O'clock sharp at your home.
2) Hi good morning ! Peter, Its David. I would like to talk with you if possible. If agreed, I'll be with you at 10 O'clock in your home.
2011-07-10 5:00 am
Telephone conversation:

你們在不在= Are you at home?
如果在的話= If you are,
我太約咁多點會到你的SITE?= Around **o'clock can I come to your site?
我地去的目的係做咩就最好啦! Your site in Sham Shui Po? Will it be ok with you?

I hope I have helped you!


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