F.5 M2 about Determinants

2011-07-09 3:50 am
If the system of equations
27x + y + 3z = p^3
9x - y - 3z = p^2
3x + y + 3z = p
has solutions where p is a real number, find the values of p.

回答 (1)

2011-07-09 4:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
27x + y + 3z = p^3
9x - y - 3z = p^2
3x + y + 3z = pthe second and third equations multiplied by 3,
27x+9y+27z=9pthe second and third equations both minus the first equation respectively,
8y+24z=9p-p^3the third equation plus (the second equation multiplied by 2),
0=9p-p^3+2(3p^2-p^3)So,we have
p=0 or p=-1 or p=3

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