
2011-07-09 1:31 am

回答 (3)

2011-07-09 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 而想係明年完成交流生生活後轉到英國讀大學,請問英國收生程序、要求、有什麼公開試要考等等?

>> 如果想直入大學, 你可以係9月度, 去www.ucas.com 開一個ac 先, 佢係好似聯招咁, 俾英國/overseas 既學生去apply大學既, 入面會要你填哂你既ce 成績, hkale,仲要upload 你既personal statement 同埋學校既reference, 填好後, 就可以summit, 等大學既通知有冇interview/offer 既. 唔駛搵agent, 自己整亦可以.

>> 整好後, 如有offer, 就可以accept 左佢, 如果係unconditional 既話, 就可以出信整visa 買air ticket, 如果係conditional 既話, 即係你要考一d exam, meet 到佢既requirement 先可以入, 咁好多時, 你apply 既時候, 可能仲未考完dse/hkale, 咁大學就會想睇埋你既final 成績先諗收唔收你既.

>> 你係overseas 既學生, 咁就要考ielts 了, 最好考左先, 同埋有6.5 分以上, 呢個係general requirement. 如果想入一d 好既學校, 而成績唔好, 可以考gcse 同gce, 係hk 可以自修, 但我怕佢去左usa, 而番唔到黎hk 考, 同埋冇prepare 過就去考, 成績一定唔會話太好的. 所以要睇下時間上點就得到了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

2011-07-09 13:17:58 補充:
>> 如果想去英國讀大學, 只係有學校成績係唔得既, 因為大學睇既係公開試, 所以, 最好先考GCSE 同GCE 再去apply 會比較好,
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2011-07-09 7:13 am
2011-07-09 4:00 am
If your son is not a UK resident/ citizen, he can only study in private (secondary) schools. Every year there is an exhibition on UK education held between June and August in Wanchai or Central. Please read some of these advertisements and go there with your son. Talks,and Interviews will take place there Representatives, some with translators, from different schools will give you further advice on his studies in the UK, including the appointment of a guardian, proof of financial support/statement for years of studies in the UK. Without good AL exam results, to study in the UK universities is almost impossible for your son.Your son can only study form 5 , not even Lower six in the UK. Please bear in mind that being an exchange student /going on a study travle to the US is nothing but a life experience. It has nothing to do with permission to study in the UK universities. Last but not least , competition for university places in the UK is even keener than that in Hong Kong. As an alternative, I advise your son to go to Australia, US, New Zealand or Mainland China to further his studies.

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