If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It Be?

2011-07-07 7:59 pm

回答 (8)

2011-07-07 8:05 pm
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I would change my eye-sight if I could.. So that I wouldn't have to wear glasses or contact lenses anymore.. Or I'd change to have that metabolism were you can't put weight on.
2011-07-08 3:01 am
i dont beat myself up
參考: me!
2011-07-08 3:06 am
My shyness with new people or people I dnt kno well
2011-07-08 3:05 am
My nose
2011-07-08 3:01 am
my face
i want perfect skin!
2011-07-08 3:01 am
my height
2011-07-08 3:01 am
The fact that I am horribly near-sighted without my glasses... I would change my eyesight to a perfect 20/20.
2011-07-08 3:01 am
I wish that my earning potential would increase 1000-fold.

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