Do you answer questions honestly on Y!A?

2011-07-07 7:55 pm

回答 (39)

2011-07-07 8:57 pm
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Yes, I Do ...
2011-07-07 8:17 pm
Yes often !
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
Yes. Unless I'm being sarcastic.. Which is hard to tell over the internet.
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
If it's a good question, then yeah. But if it's a stupid one then no.
2017-01-12 10:10 pm
2011-07-09 3:44 pm
i never answer questions that are unknown to me....i only answer the one's i feel i can answer...So obviously all the answers come from my heart...
參考: Beating Heart signing off...
2011-07-07 8:42 pm
yes, but i am not sharing private things here
2011-07-07 8:32 pm
2011-07-07 8:01 pm
90% of the time haha
2011-07-07 7:59 pm
Yes I do.
2011-07-07 7:59 pm
I always do
2011-07-07 7:59 pm
yes! 99% of the time i do...unless its a stupid question and i'm trying to be
2011-07-07 7:59 pm
depends on the way the asker is asking.
2011-07-07 7:58 pm
yes but sometimes im a bit generous when it comes too the "how do i look" questions
2011-07-07 7:58 pm
Always. Except for the odd time sarcasm comes into play.
2011-07-07 7:58 pm

2011-07-07 7:58 pm
sometimes i guess
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
Only questions honestly asked.
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
yes, all the times
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
The ones that i care... the ones that i think are stupid i lie so the one who ask can pick me as the best answer :)
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
I would answer just the same way as I would if they were asking it to me face to face.
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
serious questions -yes
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
Yes. I have no reason to fabricate.
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
Yes always,,
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
if its a joke question,then i joke,if its serious,then im serious
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
Sometimes, I'm too honest.
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
2011-07-07 7:57 pm
Very much so
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
When I answer seriously then yes.
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
uh dur!
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
2011-07-07 7:59 pm
2011-07-07 7:56 pm
yep whats the point not to lol

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